I am currently singing the theme song to George Shrinks as it plays on the TV in the background.
If this cartoon came after your time, it's a lovely little kids show that follows the adventures of a boy three inches tall, living with a normal family. Back in the days of elementary school, I watched this show all the time with my sisters before dinner on school nights. I still remember the lyrics 12 years later and I actually got giddy when I heard the music start just now. Not to mention that Babar just ended before it! AH! Lovely nostalgia. And in Kelowna, of all places!
That's where we be right now: Kelowna BC at the Sandman Hotel, our ELEVENTH hotel of the tour.
Now, time lapses don't make any appearances in writing, but in between "our" and "eleventh" in the sentence above, I paused a good three minutes to calculate exactly how many hotels we've lodged at: Sault Ste. Marie, to Thunder Bay, to Winnipeg, to Saskatoon, to Calgary, to Kelowna, to Langley, to Richmond, to Saanichton, to Victoria, and now back to Kelowna.
And in three days, we'll be in Winnipeg...
WHEW. That's a lot of Canada!
We've been really lucky with the weather over the past three weeks, but Kelowna trumps Canadian cities in terms of highest temperature. According to the weather network - and the beads of sweat that form instantaneously when you stop outside - it's 33 degrees. I know that doesn't compare to the heat waves that Toronto has seen lately, but that temperature mixed with the barren mountains surrounding this valley of a city makes it feel like we've landed in the middle of a desert!
It's only 5:30, so, naturally, the team has gone to find a beach oasis. But after the extremely limited amount of sleep we all got last night after galavanting about Victoria, I opted to stay behind and chill out here with some A/C and internet.
In other news, if you're starting to miss the Maple Lodge crew, never fear! We are beginning our trek back from the West coast! Today marks 21 days on the road, meaning that there are nine left!! It's hard to believe we're starting to wrap things up - (and I don't mean the kind with Thai chicken and lettuce.) We have two more events in Winnipeg this week on Thursday and Friday, but other than that it's nothin' but open road and spinnin' wheels. Word up from the floor up!
But for now, I must go devote my full attention to George and bask in my youth.
Love it.

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