Today was our ninth event and the menu consisting of Ultimate hot dogs and Salsalitta chicken thighs left us all BBQ-fresh from noon onwards.
Since our grills are mounted inside our truck, we have exhaust fans installed above them to suck up the smoke. But even then, the grease rising from the full-blast BBQs manages to settle on our faces. There is however, a plus side to indoor grilling. This rising grease also makes it way to the floor which creates a prime spot for moonwalk execution.
Indeed, the floor is delightfully disgusting by the end of an event, but at least we can get our Micheal Jackson on as we're cleaning up.
Today we were at a place called Winpak which differs slightly from other events we have done. These guys aren't buyers. They are rather the company that packages all Maple Lodge's chicken! Our event was more of a "thank you" BBQ for Winpak, but an AWESOME opportunity for promotion at the same time.

Everyone LOVED the Salsalittas. We had countless compliments and so many people asked where they could purchase them. One guy even called Sobey's right in front of us to ask them if they carried it! Another guy came out of the plant after lunch was over and said, "You guys did a simply smashing job!"

Plus, the President of Winpak told us that none of their customers have done something like this ever before. He also gave us free Winpak hats and thermoses, AND a tour of the plant. In between the lunch and dinner shifts, we got dressed up in hairnets and ear plugs and toured the 450,000 sq. ft. factory. We saw how they make the plastic for packaging, how they press plates for labels, and we also walked by this massive german machine thing that costs five million dollars. I can't remember exactly what it does, but the price is too news-worthy not to mention it.
We also saw our very own Maple Lodge packaging being processed!

Apparently these ones are heading off to China - Maple Lodge tastes good anywhere in the world, afterall.
Aside from wowing a hungry crowd with our chicken products and getting a free tour of a packaging plant, there was something else that made this event memorable.
One of my responsibilities as the team leader is to fill out some paperwork called a "Request Form." This form is completed electronically and documents event information like product inventory, what the weather was like, demographics, etc. Basically, it's an event summary that becomes a public document on the Maple Lodge Farms server.
Like always, I was standing on the far side of the truck after our event, filling out the form on my laptop. At this particular time however, the setting sun was at the perfect angle, creating shadows on the walls and sparkling up the aluminum table tops inside of the truck.

I stopped for a second and just watched.
Yes, we were going about our normal jobs - I was doing the request form, Grant was outside folding up the stage, Cassandra and Mike were cleaning up inside, and Josh was torturing Natalie.
But as we were doing so, everyone seemed in a really relaxed mood...just very content and laid back. Don't get me wrong, we always have a good time together while we work, but tonight, we were laughing, goofing off, and recalling funny memores in a way that made me want to just freeze time...
I've said it before: I really love my job. I'm love how I'm always out and about meeting new people and seeing new places, raising money for a good cause and getting people excited about chicken! But another big reason why I love it is because of Grant, Mike, Josh, Cassandra and Natalie. I'm happy that my work experience, and memories that I've made while on this team include them! That also includes everyone else back home on the Ontario team. I work with some really cool people and MLF Special Events would NOT be the same without them.

OHHHH let's not get too sappy now.
But it's true. Tonight I just sat back and smiled because not only has this job given me the chance to see all of Canada, it's also given me the chance to make friendships that I think will last a long time.
...despite the fact that I am still wearing a layer of Salsalitta grease.
To the showers!
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