To embark on an adventure of national proportions and spread the delicious tastes of Maple Lodge Farms Chicken across Canada.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Chillin' at the Holidae Inn
It's almost noon here and I'm still in my pajamas.
Despite my innate sense to DO something, there are no wraps to buy, no hotel to check into, and no event to get dressed for! So instead, I've conquered the alien-coffee-maker-machine and am now enjoying a lovely cup of RedRose tea while watching Johnny Depp dodge bullets in the Carribean.
Friday, July 30, 2010
That's a wRap
from Ontario digits,
from room 613,
I ask, how ya been?
Good, you say?
Well hey!
Us too,
the Maple Lodge crew,
miles away from you,
in Winnipeg currently,
promoting stuff fervently -
you know how we do,
but here's a story for you,
events of this tour?
They be fewer!
Cuz guess what -
Today's event (number ten)
for Canadian women and men
marked the last of the trip,
and with a "YIP"
we packed up the trailer
and nailed 'er.
But where were we, you ask?
"KIM - give us the details at last"
Not so fast,
Here's info galore,
We were at a Giant Tiger store,
the rain held off, but a storm we was cookin'
that got people lookin'
and hookin'
on tasty eats,
chicken treats,
made of cajun and cooked,
(healthy by the book)
plus hot dogs and bacon -
that got you shakin'?
Chicken bacon?
Brotha, it's the cheese,
it'll have you beggin' please,
can I buy some?
Sure son,
inside Giant Tiger for $2.97,
AH, heaven.
But busy we were,
so speed-wrapping we should,
(the way eminem would,)
to keep up with the fun,
like head offices we done,
OH, we be pros,
and it shows,
by the way we be servin'
and turnin'
questions to answers,
that encourage some monies
from dads, kids and hunnies,
to be spent on our products,
and just for a few bucks!
Oh yeahhh we have done it,
this Canadian summit,
from east to west coast,
but hang on,
this isn't the end of my posts!
As long as the trailer wheels be rollin'
so be my blow-gin...
And by that I mean bloggin'
but my noggen,
has run out of rhymes,
so tune in next time
to read more adventure
at the Holiday Inn,
starting with tomorrow's day off.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Love, Peace and Chicken Grease
Today was our ninth event and the menu consisting of Ultimate hot dogs and Salsalitta chicken thighs left us all BBQ-fresh from noon onwards.
Since our grills are mounted inside our truck, we have exhaust fans installed above them to suck up the smoke. But even then, the grease rising from the full-blast BBQs manages to settle on our faces. There is however, a plus side to indoor grilling. This rising grease also makes it way to the floor which creates a prime spot for moonwalk execution.
Indeed, the floor is delightfully disgusting by the end of an event, but at least we can get our Micheal Jackson on as we're cleaning up.
Today we were at a place called Winpak which differs slightly from other events we have done. These guys aren't buyers. They are rather the company that packages all Maple Lodge's chicken! Our event was more of a "thank you" BBQ for Winpak, but an AWESOME opportunity for promotion at the same time.

Everyone LOVED the Salsalittas. We had countless compliments and so many people asked where they could purchase them. One guy even called Sobey's right in front of us to ask them if they carried it! Another guy came out of the plant after lunch was over and said, "You guys did a simply smashing job!"

Plus, the President of Winpak told us that none of their customers have done something like this ever before. He also gave us free Winpak hats and thermoses, AND a tour of the plant. In between the lunch and dinner shifts, we got dressed up in hairnets and ear plugs and toured the 450,000 sq. ft. factory. We saw how they make the plastic for packaging, how they press plates for labels, and we also walked by this massive german machine thing that costs five million dollars. I can't remember exactly what it does, but the price is too news-worthy not to mention it.
We also saw our very own Maple Lodge packaging being processed!

Apparently these ones are heading off to China - Maple Lodge tastes good anywhere in the world, afterall.
Aside from wowing a hungry crowd with our chicken products and getting a free tour of a packaging plant, there was something else that made this event memorable.
One of my responsibilities as the team leader is to fill out some paperwork called a "Request Form." This form is completed electronically and documents event information like product inventory, what the weather was like, demographics, etc. Basically, it's an event summary that becomes a public document on the Maple Lodge Farms server.
Like always, I was standing on the far side of the truck after our event, filling out the form on my laptop. At this particular time however, the setting sun was at the perfect angle, creating shadows on the walls and sparkling up the aluminum table tops inside of the truck.

I stopped for a second and just watched.
Yes, we were going about our normal jobs - I was doing the request form, Grant was outside folding up the stage, Cassandra and Mike were cleaning up inside, and Josh was torturing Natalie.
But as we were doing so, everyone seemed in a really relaxed mood...just very content and laid back. Don't get me wrong, we always have a good time together while we work, but tonight, we were laughing, goofing off, and recalling funny memores in a way that made me want to just freeze time...
I've said it before: I really love my job. I'm love how I'm always out and about meeting new people and seeing new places, raising money for a good cause and getting people excited about chicken! But another big reason why I love it is because of Grant, Mike, Josh, Cassandra and Natalie. I'm happy that my work experience, and memories that I've made while on this team include them! That also includes everyone else back home on the Ontario team. I work with some really cool people and MLF Special Events would NOT be the same without them.

OHHHH let's not get too sappy now.
But it's true. Tonight I just sat back and smiled because not only has this job given me the chance to see all of Canada, it's also given me the chance to make friendships that I think will last a long time.
...despite the fact that I am still wearing a layer of Salsalitta grease.
To the showers!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Home Suite Home
THUSLY. I will force myself to look away from the TV and tell you some road stories.
From Victoria, to Kelowna, to Calgary, to Regina, to Winnipeg, we've passed through some time zones and made it halfway across the country in FOUR days. That's nearly 2,500 kilometres in 96 hours people, which makes for eight-hour + days in the car. What do we do to pass the time, you ask? Here is a small collection of activities that have helped make the flat fields of the Prairies fly by.
First, we have the Yellow Car Game.
This game was introduced by a former team member two summers ago, but due to its addicting, entertaining and extremely competitive nature, it's become a signature activity of the Maple Lodge Farms Special Events team. Basically, when you see a yellow car while driving, whether it be on the highway, in a parking lot, or on a billboard, you yell out "YELLOW CAR" before anyone else does. The goal is to rack up as many points as possible before reaching your destination. But hang on now. It's not as easy as you may think. Taxis don't count, nor do Jeeps or vans, and if a yellow car is plateless at a dealership, consider it purple. Motorcycles are fair game however, at three points each, while convertibles and Bugs are worth two. Plus, yellow limos are worth about 34958762356 points due to their rarity. Never seen one? Well I can tell you right now they exist. Grant spotted one here in Winnipeg a few weeks ago and has therefore earned the title of Yellow Car Champion For All Eternity.
Second, we have How I Met Your Mother.
This five-year-old American sitcom features narrated stories by a man in the year 2030 as he recounts experiences to his kids that lead him to meet their mother. Grant is not only the Yellow Car Champion For All Eternity, he is also How I Met Your Mother's Biggest Fan. So naturally, we break out the box set now and then on the laptop in the Showtruck and bask in the comedic adventures of Ted Moseby. Let me tell you, it's LEGEND...wait for it....DARY.
And lastly, we have the Ancient Japanese Art of Knapping (silent K).
A practise characterized by closed eyes and a relaxed physical and mental state, the art of Knapping is known for its beneficial effects on mental alertness, overall stamina, and of course its ability to magically condense the travel time of any road trip. Of everyone on the team, Natalie is the Knapping Sensai since she practises this art pretty much on the daily.
AH! Just look at that technique! We're all picking it up slowly and learning by example, however. Everyone that is, except Grant. He is too much in tune with the Tibetan theology of the Waking Life.
And there you have it. Three activites that have aided our travels not just to Winnipeg, but to all our destinations in the True North.
Anyway, since there's no dessert menu in this hotel room, I decided to order a pillow instead. I just requested a "Firm Down" pillow from the front desk, and the description on the "Pillow Menu" sitting here on the bedside table reads:
For side sleepers who desire both support and the luxurious feel of down filling.
I can't say I know what "down filling" is, but it's not every day you get to order a sleeping utensil simply by dialing "2."
Looks like it's going to be a bon soir.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The Prairies have high flat rates
Posing for a photo op,
Wisdom at a bathroom break,
Funny pictures that I take,
Fields with bails of hay like that,
Massive teepee, Medicine Hat,
Butter-flies inside the grill,
Regina out the windowsill,
Washing dishes 'til brand new,
The highschool that my Dad went to,
Sleeping after sun has set,
Put the hammer down,
We're currently at a Husky gas station in Calgary filling up for another eight hour day of driving. It's 9:30, meaning that we should be getting to our hotel at around 5:30 tonight, but it's not gonna be that bad - we've got a good radio station going, the sun is coming out, and I bought something that promises to provide hours of entertainment:
They really bring out my eyes, don't you think?
See you in Saskatch!
Monday, July 26, 2010
"This is like, never-ending beauty!" -Natalie Marinucci
Once again, the magnificent mountain scenes between Kelowna and Calgary left us in awe. And despite having 184 pictures of them from round one, I felt the need to take more. Of course!
The eight hour drive today brought us through b-e-a-utiful Banff:

an hour traffic delay due to highway construction:

and thee CRAZIEST three-minute hail storm I have ever witnessed. Coming into Alberta, I honestly thought we were heading straight into a tornado - that, or an open fire of golf balls. Both are plausible.

That white spot in that picture is the trailer, as seen out the Flex windshield during this massive downpour!
But we made it out alive, and I'm looking forward to free waffles in the morning.
End Day 22.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
On the road again!
I am currently singing the theme song to George Shrinks as it plays on the TV in the background.
If this cartoon came after your time, it's a lovely little kids show that follows the adventures of a boy three inches tall, living with a normal family. Back in the days of elementary school, I watched this show all the time with my sisters before dinner on school nights. I still remember the lyrics 12 years later and I actually got giddy when I heard the music start just now. Not to mention that Babar just ended before it! AH! Lovely nostalgia. And in Kelowna, of all places!
That's where we be right now: Kelowna BC at the Sandman Hotel, our ELEVENTH hotel of the tour.
Now, time lapses don't make any appearances in writing, but in between "our" and "eleventh" in the sentence above, I paused a good three minutes to calculate exactly how many hotels we've lodged at: Sault Ste. Marie, to Thunder Bay, to Winnipeg, to Saskatoon, to Calgary, to Kelowna, to Langley, to Richmond, to Saanichton, to Victoria, and now back to Kelowna.
And in three days, we'll be in Winnipeg...
WHEW. That's a lot of Canada!
We've been really lucky with the weather over the past three weeks, but Kelowna trumps Canadian cities in terms of highest temperature. According to the weather network - and the beads of sweat that form instantaneously when you stop outside - it's 33 degrees. I know that doesn't compare to the heat waves that Toronto has seen lately, but that temperature mixed with the barren mountains surrounding this valley of a city makes it feel like we've landed in the middle of a desert!
It's only 5:30, so, naturally, the team has gone to find a beach oasis. But after the extremely limited amount of sleep we all got last night after galavanting about Victoria, I opted to stay behind and chill out here with some A/C and internet.
In other news, if you're starting to miss the Maple Lodge crew, never fear! We are beginning our trek back from the West coast! Today marks 21 days on the road, meaning that there are nine left!! It's hard to believe we're starting to wrap things up - (and I don't mean the kind with Thai chicken and lettuce.) We have two more events in Winnipeg this week on Thursday and Friday, but other than that it's nothin' but open road and spinnin' wheels. Word up from the floor up!
But for now, I must go devote my full attention to George and bask in my youth.
Love it.

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Be Thrifty
Maple Lodge Farms is hosting a free lunch outside Thrifty’s today! They are sampling Thai, Cooked and Smoked Chicken wraps and came all the way from Ontario to bring them to you.
They’re here until 5:00, so get ‘em while you can!
You can also play PLINKO right outside the Grocery entrance to win come chicken hats and tattoos.
Their big truck is set up just outside the flower shop on the left hand side of the building.

Friday, July 23, 2010
Dinner, and other tales
Tell me that doesn't look absolutely EPIC.
This is a picture of dinner enjoyed in room 233. But no no, it was not ordered from an organic restaurant close by, nor was it room-serviced from the Denny's-type restaurant downstairs. Ladies and gentlemen, this salad - this beautiful work of culinary art - was hand-crafted by Kimberly Ivany.
After eating a year's worth of Thai chicken wraps within two weeks, nothing beats a fresh bowl of green bliss. Sure, I still topped it off with Salsalitta thighs, (another Maple Lodge Special Event team tradition) but those spicy chicken pieces mixed with the soft, sultry avocado chunks and crisp lettuce made for a perfect blend of YUM.
We've been on the road just under three weeks now and I, just like my chicken mates, have been missing the goodness of home-cooked meals. But dinner tonight definitely hit the spot.
You may be more interested however, in where I purchased my salad supplies today.
After departing "Quality Inn Waddling Dog" this morning, we had a few hours to kill before check-in time at our next hotel in Victoria. We got some gas for the truck, did a site-check at Thrifty's in preparation for our event there tomorrow, and also made a stop at good ol' Wal-Mart for some groceries...
Turns out, we went shopping inside the LARGEST Wal-Mart in all of Canada. HA!
After entering through the automatic doors, passed the layers of candy-dispenser machines in the lobby, we stood there in awe as a chorus of angels were heard above us singing "AWWWWWWW."
No. That didn't happen. But we DID stand there with our jaws wide open in amazement.
Unfortunately, I have nothing to illustrate this portion of my bloggity-blog post with, but picture it in your mind: there were aisles upon AISLES stocked with everything you have ever seen on this earth. It was deep, wide and multi-storied, complete with escalators with a special lane for shopping carts!! They should honestly rename this place "Wal-Mall" because it was just that grand! Consumerism has come a long way since I was your age, kid.
Shortly after, with bean sprouts and body wash in my plastic bag, we made our way to the Comfort Hotel and Conference Centre, hotel number nine...or is it hotel number ten? 11 maybe? Ah, life on the road.
It was only 3:00 at this point, so we decided to press our luck and see if we could find another beach, just warmer, sandier and sun-tannier this time.
Oak Bay, Victoria was where it was at.

There's really something magical about standing on the edge of an ocean. Except for the odd boat or cloud floating by, the scene one sees while standing there on the sand generally never changes: just a very static blue sky and the constant, gentle, pulsing waves.
But no matter how long you look at this beautiful landscape, I don't think you can truly grasp it to your satisfaction. At least I can't. The colours are too vibrant for me to take in. The spread of the water is to wide for me to comprehend. And the mountains on the horizon??? I wanted to somehow hold up a piece of wax paper right there on the beach and trace them.

I've said it before, but it really is so beautiful here. Not just British Columbia, but all of Canada! We've seen so many amazing things on this road adventure of ours, and taken albums worth of pictures of all of it. But most importantly, I know we've all experienced moments that define summer.

And now, to balance out the goodness of lettuce and peppers I just devoured, I've switched to double-stuffed oreos. They were part of Mike's purchases at Wal-Mart, but he's watching The Sixth Sense right now so I'm sure I can get away with eating one....or five.
Hmmmmmmm life. Ain't it tasty?!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
West coast represent
I know, you can't find an answer. Neither could we, so after our lunch event today we took the Flex and ventured to the beach.
There we stood, right there beside the blue-green pacific water.
There was sand laying below us, rocks and logs scattered around us, and a vast blue spread of sky above us. We stood there and breathed in gusts of mountain-fresh air. And not the Febreeze kind. This is the real deal people: boundless blows of wind coming from the depths of the pockets of earth around us, echoing amidst the mountains on the horizon.
Yes indeed, the perfect place to spend an afternoon......had these boundless blows of echoing wind not been FREEZING cold!!
Truthfully, we arrived dressed to the nines in beach attire ready for a day of sandy relaxation, but were forced back into the Flex ten minutes later on account of goosebumps.
BUT! Back at the hotel, we improvised a new plan.
It wasn't any comparison to sand, but the chrome on top of the Showtruck acted as a great sun conductor! I'm back in my Scottish chamber now and I'm already feelin' the burn.
In other news, there's still a week and a half left until we're back at ye olde Lodge, but today (before our sun bath) we hosted our last Head Office event at Thrifty's. It was event number seven and definitely earned the title of BEST EVENT of the summer tour so far!
All our customers were so friendly and excited to see us at their own office. We were complimented so many times on the trailer, our service, the food, and Plinko turned all the middle-aged employees into a group of wide-eyed kids excited to win some STUFF!
We were serving Thai wraps again today, but also Ultimate Chicken Dogs and Salsalitta Chicken Thighs on a bun.
Never tried 'em? Well, our chicken dogs speak for themselves. (Or at least they would if the chickens were still alive, so I'll tell you about them now.) They are our biggest hot dog, delightfully juicy, and contain no MSG. Mmmmmm hm!
As for our Salsalitta thighs, they are boneless, skinless, and pre-marinated so you get that spicy mexican flavour without lifting a finger. It's a fiesta every time!
The cool thing about this particular event was that our Ultimates and Salsalittas are unlisted in Thrifty's stores, meaning that you can't buy them at Thrifty's because they don't carry the product - yet. Our goal today was to encourage our customers to take interest in our product within their own store.
It will take a little while to find out if we succeeded, but from what we heard, everyone really enjoyed the food and thanked us countless times for making the trek out west from Ontario.
It was a great day for promotion and it felt so great to be appreciated for doing so! We definitley agreed with Natalie when she said that people on the West coast are just more laid back.
...much like John the Fifth, the Waddling Dog himself!!!!!!
Yep. 'Twas a lovely day on the island :)
Now put cha hands up!
From chickens, to whales to waddling dogs
But let me tell you. We've come to the end of Day 18 of our road trip and despite their distant/non-existent similarities, that trio of animals sums up today's adventure.
First we have the chicken, which of course made an appearance at our sixth event at Thrifty Foods in the Cooked, Smoked, and Thai form. After our day off yesterday, we were back in action this afternoon in the community of Tsawwassen (pronounced "Ta-wa-sen") serving at a grocery store that turned out to be much busier than we expected.
While serving up a storm, we also saw the chicken in the form of folded paper both outside Thrifty's...
and inside!
These guys worked all day with those on!
All the employees we talked to were definitely SO enthusiastic and interested in what we were doing. It was a great ending to our last event on the Mainland before heading to Victoria.
Which brings me to the next animal that illustrates the story of today: whales.
YES, although short, Willy made a sweet appearance while we were on the ferry. It was actually like we were experiencing a bomb scare or something when the announcement came on the intercom system, telling everyone to move to the front of the boat to see them. We all dashed northward on the sun deck like we were running for our lives!
The boatride took about 1.5 hours and the view was absolutely amazing the whole time. So much sky, so much water, truly a sight for the Discovery channel! We were worried about the truck bottoming out while driving on and off the ferry, (an occurence when the bottom of the trailer scrapes the ground), but luckily the terrain was flat enough for a really smooth entrance and how Frank Sinatra would do it, really.
And to our surprise, the day ended with a waddling dog.
If you can believe it, the hotel we are lodging at tonight and tomorrow is called "Quality Inn Waddling Dog," located in Saanichton (about 15 minutes from the ferry terminal). The rooms are decked out with wooden pannels, fat lamps, and brass bed posts creating a very rustic Scottish feel.
It also features a wireless internet network called "FatPort," as well as many paintings and photographs of a weiner dog. Apparently, this dog LIVES and roams - I mean, waddles - around the main level of the hotel.
There have been no live sightings yet, but I'm not worried. We are guaranteed to see a dog tomorrow.
...if not in the lobby, then on the BBQ. We're at Thrifty's head office in the morning and I hear it's going to be Ultimate.
So with a cluck, a wOoaaaaaaaHhHHhHhwwoaaaaaaaaaa, and a bark - (at least that's how Josh thinks a whale sounds like) - I bid thee goodnight from the west side!